Indonesia is ramping up its renewable energy ambitions with a new electricity supply plan that will see 70% of an additional 71 gigawatts of power coming from sources like solar, hydro and geothermal, according to Reuters. Deputy State-Owned Enterprise Minister Kartika Wirjoatmodjo revealed that this shift would boost the country’s renewable energy share from 12% to 35% by 2034. The government is finalising discussions with state utility PLN to implement the plan which will replace the current 2021-2030 roadmap
Additional 71 gigawatts of power coming from sources like solar, hydro and geothermal…
Despite the renewable energy push Indonesia will still bring 5 gigawatts of coal power online by 2034, mainly completing previously approved projects. The plan also includes 15 gigawatts of new gas-fired capacity particularly to support Java’s energy needs. While the country banned new coal plant developments in 2022 exceptions remain for those already in the pipeline and those integrated with industries that commit to emission reductions.